Last night I got to spend a night at home -- well at least after 7:00. I made a home cooked meal, which the kids were very excited about AND we had a Robert Thursday!
Although he was quite cranky last night, we still enjoyed having him over. He had his 'baf' and his yummy dinner,
While Bluey waited patiently by for any morsel that may 'accidentally' be dropped on the floor!
Robert gets a big kick out of feeding the dogs...and they have come to expect it ;P After dinner, we baked Kristina's birthday treat for school...
while Robert played in the kitchen with me. He thought he'd try my shoes on for size
It was the craziest thing ever watching him try to walk around as he giggled and giggled. I think if the shoes are 13 sizes too big, it doesn't matter if they're on the wrong feet or not! I had time to spend some much needed together time with my kids, I got 2 loads of laundry done, and got to read the newspaper. It was a rejuvenating evening and it was so needed. I feel like a new person today! I have a stressful day at work, but then I'm off to meet Carlene for dinner and go to school. It will be so nice to see everyone again and I am so excited for this class. Saturday I have school and Kristina has cheer practice and a game. Sunday we have church and then Kristina's family party. I'm looking forward to get together to celebrate her birthday.

PS, check out the Edward blog on the right...it updates on the rebuilding efforts and volunteer opportunities to help.
Until next time...
i will have to go check out the apple orchard blog...thanks for the info :)
have a good weekend!
Happy birthday sweet girl!
man, time sure flies by.. you were five just yesterday, right??
love, Sarah
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