I can now officially say that I graduate NEXT year!!! How exciting is that?! When I'm actually into the last 12 months I anticipate being just a bit giddy! It seems most of the world goes back to work tomorrow and I do too for a little bit. I have some catching up to do at
CHASI and my weekly staff meeting there...So, it'll be nice to get out of the house. I wanted to maybe check on a new coat at Kohl's (since I'm tired of wearing Kevin's) tomorrow too. Kristina and I were there the other day looking for me a coat, but we ended up finding a super cute one for her (of course) -- it's just the one she has wanted and of course her birthday will be upon us in 10 short days, so perhaps for her birthday? We'll see. We have started to plan her party and I think it will be on the 2
nd of February. It just seems so hard to have it 2 weeks after Christmas. Most people are still in the 'reentry' phase of the new year then and it seems so hectic. February allows for better planning and a better financial outlook after the drain of Christmas. :)
Now, for New Year's Eve. Every year my kids make me feel so old by having to wake me up at midnight to wish me happy new year! So this year, I
vow to stay awake for the big event :) The biggest event of the night was by far this...

Robert Tuesday!!!! The dysfunctional side finally decided it was
ok to expose him to me, so he got to stay overnight last night :) Oh, how I loved it. When we pulled into the driveway Robert said, "
Baf?" I said, of course you can take a bath! To which he replied, "Cars? Cars? Cars?" Yes, my love you can have a bath with your cars. So...he played for a bit and we made fudge frosted brownies,
Yumm!!! And finally it was bath time. He was so sweet playing with his cars---and lining them up. Kevin and I watched "The pursuit of
happyness" (spelled wrong intentionally according to the movie title) -- we had chips and dip, and enjoyed Robert's company. Brennan was at the World of
Warcraft New Year's fireworks (on the computer of course) and Stephanie & Nina were both at their
bff's house. So...it was a peaceful night, but we enjoyed it AND we stated awake to see the ball drop!
Woohooo...perhaps I'm only 25 after all?!? This morning Robert got up and emptied my cabinets before I woke up...I heard the crash of silver ware out of my china cabinet and thought it best that I get up...at 7:00 UGH! The good thing about early rising 2 year
olds is that they are early nappers and I sure enjoyed the 12:00 nap! The girls all returned home and are getting ready to go back to school on Thursday...organizing new Christmas clothes to wear, catching up homework, etc. etc. I am grateful for a few days to myself before work on Monday. (Paid work anyway!)
As I look forward to the New Year, I am not a person of resolutions per
se--I tend to change things as they need changed or as I become aware of them. Overall, however there are a few things I aspire to do in the new year. Perhaps lose 10 more lbs. (I lost 17 last year, but gained 7 back--so perhaps a goal of 10 a year wouldn't seem so overwhelming!) Continue the various professional pursuits I have going on (and live through it!) Ease my youngest into Junior High, Ease my oldest into getting her driver's license, Accept the fact that I'll be missing a lot of softball games this summer, but will be sure to attend every one next year! SCRAPBOOK MORE!! I'm not sure how that will happen, but I'd sure like it to! Learn to say no when necessary :) Learn to say yes when necessary :) Appreciate the great life I have and enjoy my terrific husband and kids...Perhaps get a new job? Effective June 1st when I start my new internship at
UIC, this will become my number 1 priority...landing a new
UIC job. Having these past two weeks off, sure gives me a taste of doing what I want when I want to, and man am I ready for that! Also, I mean really, if I can't find anything else to do, I'd like to finish my application for Deal or No Deal! So...lofty goals? Time will tell...until then Happy New Year and Keep on Blogging!
PS, OK, the cat music had to go...even I had to hit the mute button when I opened my blog!
Ok- who had the wonderful idea to change their background first? It sure is nice to look at something new.
Happy New Year and thank God the cats are gone:)
I admit it was you girl! Definitely time for something new...and I loved your background (thought I'd steal it, but thought again!)
i did finally get to hear your cats!!! LOL
i have been trying to get that song "ready, set, don't go" on my music list but i could only find the one that was like 30 seconds long??? better go back and try again!
thanks again for scrap night...it was fun :)
Had to try about 10 different links for that song before it worked...look it up under Miley Cyrus and you'll find more versions than under billy ray :)
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