My 7th great....Baby Elizabeth!
I am so blessed to have the cutest great nieces/nephews in the whole world :) Arissa, Aubrey, Robert, Ryan, Elizabeth, Gabriel, & Dylan...How'd I get to be so lucky? I think someone upstairs must know how much I love babies!! Elizabeth has a bit of Stephanie in her, so it'll be neat to watch her grow...
and to see how much they resemble each other. She is the youngest of three
with two older brothers, so Auntie will have to have a special place for her (putting up with all those brothers you know!) When I look at these three, I sure don't know how we did it, cuz our three are the exact months apart as these little ones are! Gramma was watching the babies on Saturday so we got a chance to give lots of hugs and kisses! Look at this cutie in her first Christmas outfit her GreatGramma got her :)

So, I had school Friday and Saturday, and Nina had a game last night. They lost by two, which was a bummer, but she cheered her heart out none the less!
Today, Sunday...Ahhhhh, Sunday's how I love them. The beginning of the week, with really nothing on the schedule but going to church. Today was #2 in the three week series Stress smashers. Today Pastor Bill focused on business. Guilty as charged for me. Although I do take Sunday's off, spend them with my family, and take a nap as recommended! I resumed WW today, so we'll see how that goes. Spent most of the day being shaky cuz my body doesn't appreciate not eating every hour or so, but I'll get over it! My husband broke the cardinal rule of our house today and made this...
Since being pregnant 3 X's in three years, I had to ban the brewing of coffee in our house because it made me nauseous. Well, I guess Kevin thought since I haven't been pregnant in 12 years (thank God) that it'd be ok to brew the stinky stuff today. I got through it ok and lit some candles to cover up the aaaachy smell! So, perhaps coffee will be ok once in a while!

I got two terrific things done today...I cleaned out my car (wooooppppeeeee!) AND organized my calendar. Whew! I feel so much better having those things done! Tomorrow my washer comes and so I can begin to play catch up with the laundry. I checked tonight at the store and it does not appear that tide free comes in HE (for hi efficiency washers) Since my baby's skin is finally under control I hate to risk changing anything... I only checked at the grocery store though, so I will have to check at Walmart to be sure.
Kevin and I watched "Running with Scissors" today. Ummmmm, not recommended. If anyone has read the book, please let me know if it's any good, cuz the movie sure wasn't!
We have a sick baby at our house. Chloe (Nina's hamster) has wet-tail {almost always fatal :( } When I used to breed hamsters for the pet store, I was able to nurse a few through it, so hopefully she'll pull through. She is so cute and sweet and Nina will be so sad if she dies. Let's hope for the best.
Lastly, Sandi Johnson has a double mastectomy tomorrow. PLEEEEAAASSSEEE, pray for her, her family and her young sons. Updates are available on her caring bridge site.
I'm off to read, really, one of my greatest pleasures. If I ever retire, I think I'll read a book a day. I just really can't get enough! Until next time...
1 comment:
I read Running with Scissors before I saw the movie and I couldn't put it down. The movie was horrible but the book was simply addictive. I highly recommend it. It was graphic and hilarious at the same time. Also, another good read is The Glass House. Very good book. :)
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