My friend Sandi Johnson got her test results back yesterday...nothing too definitive yet, but nothing devastating either. I am so glad for her--- as glad as you can be for someone who is having the cancer struggle from hell. I checked her blog last night at 11:00 and she had nothing posted for yesterday. That was really scary. I prayed for her last night and put her in God's hands, hoping that she was home celebrating, not home dealing with devastating news. This morning her post was there. So grateful was I to hear that things had not gotten worse. Hopefully in her next stage of treatment she will be feeling so much better. After reading her post I went to bed and caught the 9:00 news at 12:00 (due to late sports coverage) -- that was great since I have yet to read the Sunday Paper :( Mayor Morrissey was at the city council meeting last night and was on the news. He has a long post this morning on the status of his baby and it saddened me a bit to see him back at work, knowing how heavy his heart is about his son. I continue to pray for Sandi and Larry as they continue to struggle through. There are links to both of their caring bridge sites to the right on my blog under faves and friends.
On my 2nd day back I feel a bit overwhelmed. Hmmmm, I guess I should say I feel a bit normal. (Note to self...work on the overwhelmed feeling as being normal!) Got a 14 hour day on the agenda today, but ends on a high note with my adoption preservation support group. I always look forward to the knowledge and strength shared by these families. I am working on 2 big grants for work...something that requires an organized thought process {ugh} and getting caught up from vacation. Once work and internship are back on track...school will kick in this weekend. Geez, what I really need is time for laundry! {Grammie where are you?} The good news is...it'll all get done in time, and what doesn't get done today will undoubtedly be there tomorrow. To top off my morning-- a precious 4 year old just walked by and said, "I love you Jacque!" Ahhhhhh, so glad to be back at work!
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