I rushed home from work to make Brennan's costume. I really wouldn't consider that too last minute, would you? I worked 6 a - 5p and still had the costume done by 6p. I knew it wouldn't take long, it was really pretty simple. So anyway, he was pleased as punch with his costume, said it was perfect and that he would be wearing it "a lot". Where he will be wearing it to, I don't know. (Please God, don't let him have it on at school today!) He chose to be his Pokemon hero Ash Ketchum this year instead of the traditional Pikachu or "anything with a sword" as he has chosen in previous years. I purchased Kristina's pieces for her costume last Friday at 3:30 when I happened to be at the mall at which time she called to remind me she needed her costume for a party at 5:30 that very same day. It all worked out. I got the costume, she made her party and a good time was had by all. Now, I know you find it surprising that I think my kids are cute...but really they are. Last night they loaded up with cell phones and were on their own. I enjoyed staying home with Kevin and just answering the door...different, but peaceful. I only had to call Brennan once when I began to worry about him being out alone, and Kevin only had to call Kristina once to let her know that Trick or Treating was indeed over now and she would need to come home! Stephanie (being too old to trick or treat) was my great nephew Robert's chaperon. We borrowed a costume from my friend Angie and he was the CUTEST care bear ever! He walked around the block with Stephanie until he began screaming cookie, cookie, cookie, and had to be brought home to indulge in some candy! He wasn't sure what it was, he just knew he wanted it! After everyone returned home and settled in, I decided Robert (who had no nap that day and was on a slight sugar high) should have a bath and get ready for bed. Stephanie ran the tub for him and determined he was poopy and that I should change him before bath time. While telling me this she was leaning on the door jam with her fingers in the crack of the bathroom door. Guess what happened next...Robert, in his excitement for the bath, shut Stephanie's hand in the door and climbed into the tub, clothes, diaper, poop and all! Stephanie was screaming hysterically (note to self....child does NOT handle pain well, tell her to never have children) Kevin was running toward her, not sure why she was bellowing so loudly, and Robert (completely clothed) was happily splashing in the bathtub. {pause for a moment to picture the scene} Got Steph some ice and hugs, assessed the damage and assured her nothing was broken and it would be ok, gathered the soaking wet Robert out of the bathtub who then began screaming because his bath was interrupted, cleaned the tub out, stripped him down, refilled the tub, put him in, washed his hair (more screaming here) and played with him a bit in the tub. I checked on Steph again who was now covered in band aids, and headed off to collapse in bed. All just a part of being mom to the cutest kids ever :)

Kristina aka Hannah Montana

My great nephew Robert

Brennan aka Ash Red and Black spidey Jason and Ethan
And of course, Zoe

Hope you had a happy halloween~
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