Today, I worked at the craft show with my friend Sarah. True to form, I finally remembered to bring her the cherry toe ring that I bought her last year in Springfield. Since then I picked her up some matching cherry earrings, and remembered them too. Sarah always cracks me up because she HATES cement geese and the clothes that go with them. (I keep it a secret that I used to own one!) Anyway, she always prays that she is not next to some crazy lady selling goose clothes. This year...she lucked out. She wasn't near the goose clothes but she was near the
. Yes...the spoon jewelry! Remember the spoon rings from the 70's? Evidently they are back, and yes the spoon jewelry booth was packed all day!!! Who knew? (Let me just mention here that Sarah nor I did not purchase any spoon items, nor look lovingly at them like the ladies in the pictures!) This is by far the weirdest phenomena to date! Anyway, Sarah and I spent the day, not selling a lot, but catching up and buying a few cute things.
I got two snowman ornaments for my snowman tree, and a chalk board to be hung somewhere in my house. I wrote this week's schedule on it, and that will be its planned use. I told the kids, your dad will say, I have a hundred of those she could have had...and guess what he said? "I have a hundred of those she could have had!" Of course, they don't have chalk boards in them, only broken windows. Now that is not useful at all is it? The Choir kids showed up
to sing Christmas Carols, and that was nice. The acoustics in the "Dome" are surprisingly not bad.

Ok, I must now confess...we own a cement goose....and let me tell you why. I have not owned one since they went out of vogue about 10 years ago. However, my daughter thinks they are the greatest thing ever and is always begging for one complete with clothes to go with it. Well, one day one of our neighbors was moving and lo and behold they put this...
out in their garbage. I thought to myself...gee I should stop and pick that up for Kristina. But, when I came home it was gone. I never thought about it again until a few weeks later when we were cleaning the garage. There in the Radio Flyer, covered with a towel was the goose! Kristina had toted the wagon down the street, lifted the 40 lb. goose into the wagon, and drug it home. Later, Kevin proudly sat it in the front of our house, raggedy clothes and all. I swear that ugly outfit is all it had to wear...until today that is. I absolutely refuse to pay $20 for a goose outfit. I mean today, a few booths down, sat this nice lady with outfits for, well, let's just say they were cheap. Kristina's goose is proudly sporting this outfit
today, in support of the bears miserable loss. AND, she also owns another cute outfit perfect for Thanksgiving. I'll be sure to post that photo on Turkey day. I know you'll be looking forward to it! (Especially if your name is Sarah!) Kristina was pleased as punch with her new goose clothes. After the craft show, we ran a few errands (bought our Turkey...yumm) and were off to the freezing cold light the parks parade. I had a minor scare when Kristina called me that she couldn't find her troupe. She eventually found them in the parade line up, so I could breathe a sigh of relief. The parade was good, and we saw lots of people we know and ate lots of parade food (aka tootsie rolls) -- I made yummy spaghetti and french bread for dinner, did some dishes, laundry, scrubbed my kitchen floor (at least the sticky spots) and I am certain will be crashing soon in bed. I'd like to catch Brothers and Sisters if the laundry schedule allows. Only a three day week this week, and no school this weekend. Crack of dawn shopping Friday with Sarah! I can't wait...have a great week!

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