What a yummy dinner! And great company! Everything turned out great (except for the
broccoli I burned that everyone kindly said they didn't notice) And, I only required one call to Mom to double check the stuffing recipe! It was my best stuffing yet this year, and darn close to Mom's! We had Turkey (not dry even :), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli and cheese, fruit salad, corn bread muffins,
Gramma Bee's cranberry relish jello with pineapple sauce, cherry, apple, pumpkin and french silk pie, AND turkey shaped butter

! Is that cute or what?!? I had to own it you know! I was so excited that I finally found cranberry orange relish that tasted JUST LIKE
Gramma Bee's! @
GFS. (The same place I found the super cute turkey butter!) Kristina used if first, and promptly cut off his head! because 'that's what you do' she said...So, let me ask you...how many of your guests come over AND bring their own 46" plasma HDTV? I know...you all can't be as lucky as me...

but my brother sure did bring his own TV,
XBOX 360,
XBOX, a million games plus 8 controllers. Who needs Christmas? All we really need is for Uncle Tim to visit! My family room because video game central. It is now 6:00 Friday night, and the above picture still accurately describes my family room! While everyone was busy gaming,
Gramma and I finished the dishes and cleaned up. Then it was time for Black Friday Planning. My
niece Shana stopped by for Dessert with her husband Ryan and the baby Aubrey. I was so happy they stopped by! It gave me a chance to begin Black Friday Training with Aubrey!

She didn't enjoy the best buy ad much (don't tell her Grandpa) But she really enjoyed the
Bergners Ad! That a girl! Mostly she enjoyed trying to eat the
Ad, but
that'll change in time. Can't wait til she's big enough to go with me! She is getting so big. When she stands up, we try to coax her into taking a step. She looks at me, smiles, shrugs her shoulders, and hold her hands palm side up as if to say? What?!? You can't be kidding! Princesses don't walk...they must be carried! We had a great day...I was in bed by 10 to prepare for the 3AM wake up call for black Friday...
1 comment:
Nice Friday Feast! I have my Thursday and Friday posts up! Hope you are having a good weekend! Come stop by my blog for a visit!
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