We had a great night, the food was great, the company great, the production great! It was all great! We all ended up eating together at a
restaurant including Zoe and Jason...

We ate at Angelo's our new favorite place...the kids all had cheese pizza, except Kristina who had lasagna and Kevin and I enjoyed Prime Rib and Au Gratin's for $13! It was so yummy! After that we were off to the play. First of all, Zoe and Jason were perfect! At 4 years old, so many people around us commented on how amazingly well behaved they were. We were fortunate that we had front row tickets (although they were on the side) so the little ones didn't have anyone to look over or around, and there was lots of singing, dancing and scenery changes to hold their attention.

Harlem productions are always great and I never am disappointed! For $3 really, it can't be beat! The star of the show Izzy Flores, was amazing...

her voice was great all night with every note on tune.
Everyone's acting was terrific. The directors of the show Mr. and Mrs. Cain, will retire after next year, which I find so sad. They will
definitely be a tough act to follow.

Of course I am always overcome with pride when I see my daughter perform...she did a great job...look at that superstar smile! Angie let me know that Zoe had 104 temp when she got home....poor baby! I kept asking her if she felt
ok, and she said she was just tired. At 10:00 she still chose to go to
DQ for a quick cup of
ice cream. Who can resist that when you're burning up with fever?!? Poor baby...she was really a trooper...hopefully she's all better today.
At DQ when Stephanie was sitting at the table with 20 of her closest friends...of course her Dad felt the need to share his latest blonde jokes with her friends...her face was beat red before I caught on to what was happening and ran over there to run him off! So crazy...she'll probably be on Oprah some day, recovering from the trauma of her Dad's terrible jokes!
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